Recipes with Cocoslove coconut oil: from treats to cooking with kids and for your baby

As of his or her first birthday your child can eat together with other family members. Of course a toddler will not yet eat all healthy meals, but he or she does need foods that help growth – foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron, some protein for building up cells and tissue, and enough fat to provide energy.

Your baby will benefit from coconut oil: recipes with Cocoslove

Did you know that your baby uses three-quarters of the energy he or she gets from food for brain development? By the time of their first birthday, tots become more active and so, aside from carbohydrates, they also need healthy fat. A generous daily treat, using recipes made with Cocoslove coconut oil, is perfect. And the rest of your family will also thank you for their excellent health.

Toddlers can help to make these coconut oil recipes. And you can all feast!

Toddlers go through a puberty-like phase of their own, as you will notice at mealtimes. One day they love a recipe and the next day it’s passé. Toddlers suffer greatly from mood swings, and their favourite catchphrase is: ‘I hate this!’ Then the next day they love it again.

One trick is to get them involved in preparing the meals they will be eating. Convince them that together you are going to make a treat for them. Let them join in the cooking, give them an apron and some kitchen utensils. Even if all they manage to do is mash one stewed apple, they will be proud of what they have done and be less inclined to refuse to eat it. Teach them to ‘snack’ on the ingredients; just like a real chef constantly tastes his own recipes, your kid can also test the dishes.

Open that jar of Cocoslove coconut oil and you may just get a fussy eater to try anything without even realising it.

Cocoslove coconut oil recipes are perfect for cooking with kids and as a treat

The older your child gets the less inclined he or she will be to go hungry. Children adjust their appetite according to what they need. Don’t force kids to eat everything on their plate – don’t even make them eat all the meals you dish up if they want to go without on occasion. It’s no big deal to skip a meal. But always clear the table after a meal in order to teach children to stick to fixed mealtimes.

When a child is at primary school that is also the perfect age for birthday treats. Could cooking with your children be a good idea for a treat, a way to also teach them to eat healthily? At a birthday party give all the guests an apron and get them to tackle their own recipe, such as an apple tart with Cocoslove coconut oil, or cupcakes or whoopie pies or any other treat. Cocoslove coconut oil is the perfect companion for such a culinary afternoon. If you’re looking for healthy recipes, then simply substitute all the fat with Cocoslove coconut oil, all the sugar with coconut blossom sugar and all the white flour with wholegrain flour.

Discover lovely recipes with Cocoslove coconut oil

Risotto Porcini mushrooms
Coconut and apple rice pudding
Pancakes with banana
Cookies with muesli
Sweet carrot soup
Fried potato slices
Chocolate chip cookies
Banana and berry strudel
Kohlrabi in cashew nut cream
Bounty chocolate cake


CocosLove Product

Content: 1000ml
Fair trade, Glute free
100% Premium Quality kokosolie
€ 21.90

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Cocoslove is a brand of Noble House
Other brands of Noble House are: AmanpranaBambu® SalzBertynPineo & Kokovita