The perfect treat:recipe for Bounty chocolate cake with chocolate and coconut icing
Chocolate and coconut – you couldn't get a better combination!You can easily imagine yourself on a tropical island, and that’s why we named our cake for a Bounty island.The combination of coconut and chocolate is made using coconut blossom sugar, coconut milk, Cocoslove coconut oil, cacao powder and pure chocolate.The manifold facets of this cake mean that each morsel is mouth-watering.It’s perfect as a school-time treat for your child, as the cake is also sensible!That means double the enjoyment.
Recipe for Bounty chocolate cake with chocolate and coconut icing
Ingredients for the Bounty chocolate cake
For the batter
200 g flour
170 g coconut blossom sugar
80 g cacao powder
½ packet of baking powder
a pinch of Fleur de sel
250 ml coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla sugar
80 ml melted Cocoslove coconut oil
For the icing
200 g pure chocolate
1 tbsp Cocoslove coconut oil
1 tbsp ml coconut milk
How to make the chocolate cake with chocolate and coconut icing
Preheat the oven to 175 °C.
Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix well.Add all the fluid ingredients and mix into a batter with a beater.
Pour the batter into a standard rectangular baking tin that has been greased with coconut oil and bake for around 45 minutes in the preheated oven.Insert a wooden skewer into the cake to check whether it is cooked:if the skewer comes out clean the cake is ready.
Remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool completely.
Once cooled, place the icing ingredients in a bain-marie and mix well once the chocolate has melted.Pour the fluid icing over the cake while it is still in its cake mould so that it has a topping.Let cool, preferably in the fridge.Remove the cake from the mould once the icing is hard, which means that the cake is cool.Enjoy!