USA’s finest:chocolate chip cookies with coconut oil and coconut blossom sugar
How American do you want to go?The chocolate chip cookie is much-loved by children of all ages, and while it may originate in the US, its fame is world-wide.And that’s no surprise, as chocolate-based recipes are frequently the most popular.Fortunately this version also means that the cookie is a healthier option, thanks to the coconut oil, oat milk and coconut blossom sugar.No refined ingredients or ones that plunder the environment.
Once you've tried our chocolate chip cookie recipe you’ll never go back.It’s so good you’ll be licking your fingers!
Recipe for chocolate chip cookies with coconut oil and coconut blossom sugar
Makes around 10 cookies
Chocolate Chip Cookie ingredients
200 g flour
100 ml Cocoslove coconut oil
150 g coconut blossom sugar
The pulp of ½ a vanilla pod.
a pinch of baking powder
a pinch of Fleur de sel
3 tbsp oat milk
100 g pure chocolate
How to prepare the chocolate chip cookies
Place all the ingredients except for the chocolate in a large bowl and mix well using a hand blender.Roughly chop up the chocolate and mix in.
Place the batter, spoon by spoon, in a muffin tray that has been greased with coconut oil and press it down.The cookies will then remain on the bottom.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C and bake the cookies for 25-30 minutes.Allow to cool before carefully removing from the tray.
Delicious with warm chocolate milk!